Traditional versus natural footwear

There is a major discrepancy in modern footwear that is leading to an epidemic of foot disorders. Manufacturers make shoes using a special mold called a last. The last represents the shape, size and volume that the shoe will take on. A typical last has a narrow, tapered toe shape, an elevated heel, and an unnatural curvature to the bottom surface. These features create a shoe that does not properly fit or function like a natural human foot. Natural footwear is an emerging solution to this problem.

The problem with traditional shoes

While many modern shoes may look harmless, the narrow shape, stiff soles, and elevated heels of nearly all shoes (including sneakers) create an environment where feet cannot function as feet. Over years of wearing shoes, our feet adapt to become more narrow, stiff, and less functional. This results in weakness, pain, and deformities such as bunions, hammertoes, arthritis, and the dreaded plantar fasciitis.

The solution

Natural footwear is the emerging category of shoes that aims to reverse this slow degradation of feet. Natural shoes have a wide, foot shaped toe box. They are also flat, flexible, and minimally cushioned, allowing our natural mechanisms to function properly.

Natural footwear is on the leading edge of shoe technology. By stripping away the unnecessary and downright harmful features of shoes, natural footwear allows feet to function effortlessly as they were designed to. 

How can natural footwear help you?

Natural footwear is an important part of my treatment process and I work to guide every client into the shoes that are most beneficial to them and their own individual needs. As each individual’s foot strength, mobility, and function improves, more minimalist footwear can be used and the client’s natural feet can be restored. However, everyone can benefit immediately from the natural shape and flexibility of natural shoes.

Interested in learning more? Download the free shoe guide here! Ready to dive deeper into your personal mechanics and movement patterns, and find out which shoes are the best for your specific needs? Book a virtual consultation today!