Your best feet are waiting for you!

Did you know that you have complete control over how well your feet feel from day to day?

Do you suffer from bunions, tailor’s bunions, hammertoes, or plantar fasciitis?

Most people are unaware that there are simple exercises, lifestyle changes, and easy footwear shifts that can transform your feet into healthy, pain free, and strong feet that will support you throughout your life!

You don’t have to rely on bulky orthotics, orthopedic shoes, or surgery to eliminate your foot pain and live a vibrant, active, and healthy life!

In fact, virtually everyone can benefit from a foot exercise program. Our feet spend the vast majority of time stuffed into poorly fitting shoes, and rarely receive the exercise they need to support themselves.

It’s time to free your feet!

Our feet contain 4 layers of muscle beneath each arch which support us through every step that we take. 

These muscles become weak and dysfunctional over many years (or decades) of shoe wearing. Not to mention that modern shoes are stiff, overly cushioned, and narrow, leading to deformities of the toes such as bunions and hammertoes. 

The good news is that these problems can be reversed! There is an abundance of scientific research showing that simply stimulating your feet, performing mobility and strength exercises, and using natural footwear can heal foot pain, reverse foot dysfunction, and improve bunion and hammertoe deformities!

How the membership can help you

The membership is perfect for you if you:

  • Suffer from bunions
  • Have experienced plantar fasciitis
  • Are dealing with a foot injury
  • Have had foot surgery but did not get any specific rehab
  • Experience foot soreness 
  • Want to enhance your athletic performance 
  • Desire strong, healthy, injury proof feet

Have you ever been told…

  • There’s nothing you can do to help your feet
  • You have to wear orthotics for the rest of your life 
  • Surgery is your only option if you want to fix your bunion/neuroma/hammertoe/flat feet?
  • You should never go barefoot because your feet cannot support themselves?

It’s time to embrace a new paradigm! Let’s take charge of our own health, including the health of our feet.

In this membership you will learn:

  • Why spending time barefoot is actually a good thing, and how it can improve your foot health
  • How to pick the right shoes for your foot type so that you can reverse years of decline from overly restrictive shoes
  • How to assess your own feet and lower body, from your toes all the way up to your hips
  • Exactly what exercises to do to restore your mobility, reverse dysfunction, and banish pain 
  • How to transition away from your orthotics if you have been wearing them long term

What’s inside the membership:

  • Weekly video content that walks you through the fundamentals, how to find your perfect shoes, how to assess each part of your feet, and the exact exercise plan to fix them.
  • Monthly live zoom Q&A sessions to answer all of your burning questions
  • Ongoing support as you navigate your foot health journey
  • A comprehensive footwear directory to introduce you to all the most amazing brands of healthy footwear

The best part? There is no commitment required! You can cancel your membership anytime!

Are you getting excited yet?! Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

Q: Do I need to have foot pain to benefit from the membership?

A: Not at all! In fact, the vast majority of people who wear shoes have some level of foot dysfunction, even if they don’t have pain. This foot dysfunction leads to high levels of overuse injuries, aches, pains, and deformities over time. So the membership is helpful no matter what your starting point is!

Q: Will this membership help me if I wear orthotics?

A: Yes! Improving your foot function and strength is even more important if you wear orthotics or insoles. And depending on your reason for wearing orthotics, you may actually decrease your reliance on them or eliminate the need for them altogether!

Q: I have plantar fasciitis. Will this membership help?

A: Absolutely! Regardless of what treatment methods you have tried, it is still necessary to uncover the underlying cause of your symptoms, and to treat that cause so that your symptoms never return. Failure to do this is why so many people experience recurrence of their symptoms. 

Q: How long will I need to work on my feet to see results? 

A: This depends on your unique needs and starting point, but with consistent effort you should see improvement within one month! 

Q: Can I improve my bunions with the membership?

A: Absolutely! Not only will you work on improving your bunions, but you will also identify the underlying cause of your bunions and address that as well. 

Q: Will the exercises be time consuming?

A: Not at all! You can access the membership at your own pace and fit in the necessary exercises into your daily life. Even a small amount of effort goes a long way when it comes to working on your feet! 

Q: Will I need any special equipment?

A: You can do the membership with no equipment! There are some exercises that utilize resistance bands and kettlebells, but they are optional!

Q: Can I really change my feet?

A: Absolutely! Our feet have an amazing capacity to change and recover. With the right exercises, you will start noticing improvements in one month or less.