Do you feel like your feet get sore all the time? Or that you have to find the perfect arch supportive shoes to keep them comfortable? This is an extremely common scenario. So many people are constantly searching for the perfect shoe, or the perfect insole. But what they don’t realize is that it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, our feet are a marvel of engineering that do not need any extra technology to keep them healthy. Feet are designed to function perfectly on their own, without any intervention.

It is this intervention that actually causes our feet to become dysfunctional. Decades of wearing shoes that squish our toes, restrict joint motion, and remove sensory input contribute to weakening of our foot muscles, disconnect between our feet and our environment, and the reliance on outside support to keep our feet comfortable. The more time we spend in shoes rather than barefoot, the more we start to rely on shoes to provide a level of comfort and support to our feet. 

Feet are designed to support themselves

Feet are made up of 26 bones and 33 joints. Joints are designed to move! The foot has three jobs: to be a mobile adaptor or shock absorber when it first hits the ground, to be a rigid lever during push off, and to be a sensor of the environment. As long as it can do these three things, it will function well. However, modern shoes tend to inhibit all three of these. They have thick soles and cushioning which prevent the feet from feeling the ground surface. They are stiff and rigid, which prevents the joints from fully moving through their range of motion and limits the foot as it moves through its mobile adaptor and rigid lever phases. Arch supportive shoes further limit the motion of the joints throughout the foot.

Additionally, when the foot cannot move freely, the muscles that support the foot become weak. The foot actually has three layers of muscles along the arch. These muscles naturally support the arch, stabilize, and allow for perfect orchestration of each step. These muscles are not able to contract and move when the foot is in a stiff and restrictive shoe. Therefore, they become weak and slow, no longer providing the natural arch support that they once did. This leads to the feeling of weakness and soreness that develops on the bottom of the feet. 

Focus on your foot function, rather than arch supportive shoes

If you find that your feet get sore easily, start focusing on restoring your natural foot function rather than searching for a more arch supportive shoe or insole. The good news is that your feet will change once you change your daily habits! Small shifts can make a huge impact on how your feet feel and function. Once you restore function and strength to your feet, they will feel better! Then you can work on using less shoe and relying on your natural foot strength instead.

Go barefoot

Release your feet

Rehab your toes

Improve your shoes

What next?

Want to learn more? Sign up for The Shoe Academy online course where I will dive deep into shoes, arch support, foot function and strength so that you can recover your feet naturally, ditch your reliance on supportive shoes and get rid of foot pain once and for all!